Saturday, February 6, 2010

Project 365: Day 36

February 6, 2010

Polish Pickle Soup

That would be an egg there.
I seem to post a lot of soups, huh?
I love food.
And no soup compares to Polish soup.

Project 365: Day 35

February 5, 2010

A line of light

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Project 365: Day 34

February 4, 2010

Homemade Tomato Soup

I've been lazy about taking "artsy" photos of late.
Been using my camera phone a lot.
It's convenient when at work, too.
And I think it takes decent shots, no?
At least I'm trying not to be flakey about the project.

Who's happy the week's almost over?
 Have a good Thirsty Thursday night

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Project 365: Day 33

February 3, 2010

Mirror Office

A view of my desk, etc. from the funky Ikea
mirrors I have across the way.
It is gloomy outside & overcast,
prompting me to turn on my desk lamp.
Making me think it's later than it is.
And that makes me want to go home.
Me no likey.
2 1/2 hours to go.

Happy Hump Day

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Project 365: Day 33

February 2, 2010

Hello, Anthro catalog that is still mistakenly being delivered to work.
(even though I have repeatedly contacted them to stop this)

I enjoy the theme of the shoot.
Coincidentally, the depression-era circus has been a topic of convo lately.
However, I am lusting after practically nothing in the catalog.
I know.
Someone check my pulse.
I did say practically.
And the site and in-store always hold something of interest for me.
Or shall I say, obsession.

(not loving the shot-of-the-day but not all days can be faboo)

Happy Tuesday
Or shall I say, LOST day for some of my friends.


Snow Effect

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